Sunday 11 August 2013

Wins W/C 5th August 2013

Hello Bloggee's

I am sorry for my noticeable absence during the last week - I've been doing overtime at work due to other staff members holidays and work forming mountains on my desk which has left me little time to comp <dramatic sigh> and even littler time to talk to you.  Please be assured I feel adequately guilty.  So I thought I'd update you with news of 3 littleish wins I've had.

Win 1 - Grumpy Cat goodies from Abrams and Chronicle Books Facebook page

This was a caption competition to celebrate the release of their new Grumpy Cat book.  I suck at caption competitions.  Everyone else is so much wittier than I!  However I LOVE grumpy cat so had to enter, as lame as my idea was. The picture to caption was this:

It was the morning after the birth of Prince George and Jeremy Kyle had been cancelled for a news special so my entry was.. They cancelled Jeremy Kyle for a Royal baby special?

Told you it sucked, due to their being hardly any entrants I was lucky enough to be a runner up and won grumpy cat stickers and black balloons (a grumpy party pack).

Win 2 - Festival Survival Kit from an email competition

I won this with Whats On web magazine.  It was a simple answer the question and email us competition and I've yet to receive the prize but this is what will be winging it's way to me!

Very handy for the next time I go camping!

Win 3 - A Mid-Week stay at Ye Olde King's Head Inn - Chester - Twitter

My most prized win is this lovely stay I've won via twitter.  It was a RT & Follow competition and I must have had lots of comping fairy dust around me that day as I was picked the winner and am going to be staying in the upcoming months.  Me and bloke are very happy about this as a break is just what we both need, this year has frazzled us in more ways than one, and Chester is a lovely place to visit.  (I spy shopping opportunities, bwahahaha).  Here is where we shall be staying :giddy: -

So that's my fill for this week.  How have you been doing?

Monday 29 July 2013

Ultimate Prize Wishlist

All compers have dream wins in mind.  So here's my list, I'm hoping via some Noel Edmonds inspired putting it out into the ether so the galaxy may hear my wish and it might just happen.  Then again, it's an excuse for me to daydream!
  • A big cash prize - ITV competitions are the closest us compers will ever get to winning a massive cash price and I know a few folk on the MSE forum who have won big lump sums - how marvellous!  Just enough to afford a deposit on a house and maybe a new car and holiday would be nice.  That's all.  A cheaper way of entering the ITV competitions rather than phoning/texting is by using the online entry forms - you are allowed either 3 or 6 entries per phone number so can get quite a lot of entries in if you are ingenious and have many telephone numbers to hand!  I insist on trying with my one mobile number and after 5 years of entering have had no luck.  Once I had the phonecall though.. I got home from work and my mother informed me ITV had called and would try ringing me again later.  URMAGODZ.  I was sure that was it, I had only entered for cash prizes.. hadn't I?! After 2 long, endless hours of waiting, I couldn't resist and phoned them back, I found I had won a giant french fancie cake.  Yes, I laughed too.   
  • A smeg fridge.  A pink smeg fridge.  There's something about them, that retro American feel, and the pretty colours that makes me yearn hard.
  • A holiday to America.  Either to New York so I could go shopping there at Christmas time and visit Central Park, pretend I was in Sex and the City and bleed my credit card dry, or Chicago so my lovely fiance could visit his favourite NFL team's stadium - Soldierfield (Chicago Bears!).
  • A meet and greet with Will Young.  I am obsessed.  I have seen him 5 times and plan to see him in September in Cabaret at the Bradford Alhambra Theatre.  I have tried endlessly but to no avail, foresooth - my Romeo and I may never meet.  If we were to meet I would probably go mute before bawling my eyes out a-la Rylan Clarke getting through to the finals of the X-Factor.  Maybe it's best if I dont win! 
  • A Spa day with my mum.  She is a doll - selfless, loving and deserves the finest I can give her!  I won her £100 of vouchers to spend at Wakefield's Ridings Centre for Mother's Day *beams*, by going on Real Radio saying why she was the best.  If you heard a squeaky 6 year old child voice back in March in the Yorkshire region that was probably me!  However, I would love to get her out of the day to day routine so she can have some pampering and TLC.  She would be made up, and so would I.
  • A tour of the Harry Potter set.. do I even need to explain?!
  • An experience I would never otherwise get to do - a helicopter ride, a murder mystery evening, be a Zookeeper a day - I'd like to try as much as possible, bar bungee jumping that is.
  • And finally due to my excessive competition entering, I could do with a new laptop as this one has worn keys and gets so hot I fear it could explode!

That's it for now, if I could even get to win one off the list I'd feel a lucky girl! ::blows her list into the webosphere and wishes hard::

What would be your ultimate prize?

Twitter Wins!


I thought I would share a couple of wins I was lucky enough to receive last week.  

The first one was via the @positiveluxury twitter account.  They were having a 'Positive Week' earlier this month and had sporadic giveaways throughout the duration.  I had spied that a competition was occurring at 11 am by seeing it pop up on my timeline and made sure I had google search open on another tab incase research was needed to find the answer.  The winner was the first person to tweet them with a rugby scoreline from the weekend previous to the competition.   When the question was posed I proceeded to google with all my might and I won, yippee!  The gorgeous prize I won was a gift box from  It contains candles and a lavender bath essence.  It smells divine and I am saving to use it for a special occasion!

Another win was also from twitter - can you tell I'm a twitterholic?  That was a simple retweet to win effort from @perfect_wedding and I won a Daily Greatness Yoga Journal - which is actually really good and I intend to use it daily to achieve my inner zen!  

Have you had any twitter wins recently? Let me know!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Wins 23/24th July 2013

Yesterday I received a WT (winning tweet!) from the lovely people at Lake District Quark informing me I had won a delivery of Lemon Quark

I found this competition via searching for Rt to win comps in twitter and it was a simple case of retweeting!  For those of you wondering - Quark is a versatile soft cheese, and 100% natural dairy ingredient that is a popular and widely-available fridge staple in a number of countries across Europe and North America.  Lovely!

I also came home to a little parcel with a pack of blue ribbands in today.  I won this via entering a prize draw with the company 'Love Brands' on facebook.  They had thousands to give away as I recall.  Every little win is a bit more motivation to carry on entering!

Tuesday 23 July 2013

A Compers Survival Guide

Initially comping can be an overwhelming hobby to embark on.  So many comps, so little time - which competitions are legit, which do you have the best chance of winning, is it worth purchasing comping magazines, yada yada yada.  Below is a brief overview of the main things you should know before you begin, it really is a vast subject so I will go into further detail about each individual point at a later date but this should get you started.

A Comping Email Address

Prepare for the deluge of spam emails comping can and will bring!  Signing up to competitions can often mean 'opting in' to receiving newsletters and/or promotional emails from the company in question, think of it as an occupational hazard!  

if you require your email address for business or important personal purposes then it will be best to set up a separate comping email address dedicated solely to your hobby.  Free email accounts are available from: Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and countless others.  Remember to keep checking this account incase of any wins (always check your spam folder - it has been known for them to work there way into there somehow!) and keep on top of the deleting of spam emails to make it easier to spot the ones that need your attention.


Consistent competition entering will undoubtedly bring about results.  The more competitions you enter, the higher probability you have of winning.  If you can dedicate an allotted time per day to comping all the better.  Admittedly this is hard with family/work constraints however some comps are flash competitions or run for one day only, so it pays to try and log on every day to put your name in the draw.  This doesn't mean entering for everything going, I mean - when will you really need a life size spider man cut out?! Prioritise your time to comps with prizes you really want or need, yes it's a great feeling getting a winning email but if you won't ever use the win, whats the point?!

Form Fillers

A pain in a compers bum is filling in the 'details form' that all comps require, how else are they going to let you know when you've won.  If like me, you don't have the patience to type in time after time, a form filling programme is the way forward.  These programmes sit in the toolbar of your web browser and by pressing fill form, instantly transfer your details onto the details box - for the majority of the time!  A quick google of form fillers can throw up various free programmes for you to try, but I and many other comps are faithful users of 'Roboform'.  This is a password manager and web form filler programme that can be used free for a trial period, and thereafter a small license fee per annum is required to keep on using it.  Any competition wins pay for the license payment meaning it pays for itself.  It really does save a heck of a lot of time and may save you from developing RSI!  Try it for yourself -
Another handy little tip is to save your name and address in your email signature.  This means that when entering email competitions (found via comping forums) you don't have to keep on typing out this information, just by pressing the delete button and hitching your signature into the main body of your email the details are visible to promoters.

Competition Sources

Once you start to comp, you notice competitions EVERYWHERE.  Local newspapers, supermarkets, craft fairs, facebook, twitter, the back of the packet of crisps you're eating, on the TV - it's an endless supply!  It pays for companies to run prize draws to entice buyers to try their product and the marketing that comps deliver to a wide and varied audience.  It works too - I have won items I would never have thought of purchasing, and have been so impressed I have continued to buy from that brand.  

My main source of competitions are via the internet. 

Plain ole google - If you have time on your hands to scour the vast galaxy that is the internet, google is a great place to start.  Simply by searching for competitions on a search engine, comps that others haven't found yet (smaller audience - more chance of you winning!) are sourced.  Searches can be tailored to specific items you need i.e. by searching for 'Win Washing Machine July 2013 UK'.  Ensure the competition is still current, open to UK residents and follow the competition instructions.  So often competition entrants don't read what is required for a valid entry it instantly voids their entry meaning it's a waste of time e.g. some competitions require a question answering, so simply by leaving your name and email address you are already out of the running! 

Various comping forums exist.  The main 2 in my mind are and  I am a covert of the latter.  

These are a free platform for compers to unite to share and post their competition finds with others.  It truly is a great community and selfless in nature - wins are congratulated by all and their are dedicated hardworking compers foraging constantly for the latest comps for all to enter! On MSE comps are in a list layout with the title normally of END DATE: COMPETITION PRIZE format.  Once you click on this any terms and conditions and answer to questions required are detailed within.  It is polite to click thank you to acknowledge your gratitude to the poster.  There is also a handy tick symbol to enable you to click and mark the comp as entered to avoid you entering twice resulting in a void entry in some circumstances.  Some compers prefer to enter competitions by 'sorting' the list into date order to enable them to enter all competitions ending that day for example, others enter comps as they are posted.  It's all about personal preference, to me it doesn't make much difference - as long as your entry has been made, it should all be very much a random winner selection.

Alongside forums social media has seen somewhat of a comping revolution.  Via Facebook and twitter, brands build their loyal following of fans and followers by offering quick and easy to enter comps. 

Twitter - 'Rt & Win' retweet to win competitions are the simplest comp I can think of to enter, they may test the patience of your followers as your timeline can undoubtedly become drowned in an endless stream of them but most of my wins have come from using this method!  To find these competitions simply search via the twitter tool bar 'RT win', millions of competitions will pop up.  You can help filter out irrelevant comps by adding 'UK' to your search.  Ensuring you follow and retweet the promoters initial competition tweet, you have pretty much entered!  If you don't retweet the promoter's tweet, and retweet a compers retweet instead it can void both of your entries.  It takes all of 2 seconds and is a handy comping fix for those on the go!  Similarly searching for 'competition' or 'prize draw' or 'giveaway' (insert any comping connotation you can think of!) can throw up a list for you to make your way down. Befriending fellow compers on twitter can also prove invaluable.  Besides the benefits of social interaction with compers so you don't turn into a robot, it's a good way of sharing competitions and ensuring you don't miss out on anything.  Feel free to follow me - @spritneybeers - be aware that there is a limit of following 2000 people, from this point onwards to follow more you yourself need to build up your followers to 1819 for your follow limit to be upped, so don't go too mad following!

Facebook - When I first started comping it was all about the like & share to enter FB competitions, however facebook has since banned promoters from using this method to run their prize draws, even though the more eagle eyed comper will know - they still continue to do so!  Promoters should use an 'app' function for competitions.  This involves you - liking the brand's page and then clicking on the competition app, giving it authority to have access to your FB details and post on your behalf (seriously, us compers have no morals!) and then you go on to enter your name/email/phone number or play a game or upload a photo - whatever the entry requires and press ok - job done.  Other FB comps include -
* Winner chosen at so many likes
* Winner chosen by particular date
* Comment on photo
* Tag yourself in a photo 
* Like on Facebook and on twitter
* Creative competitions - upload a photo/video inspired by a certain theme
Again - befriending fellow compers can be a useful asset (look me up - Cher Waite !!) as comps will appear in your timeline that they have shared and entered.  Again a 'like' limit is in place, however with FB this limit is 5000 so just keep this in mind.

Be Savvy

Sometimes competitions can appear too good to be true. For example a facebook company says at 100 likes they will give away a car - it just doesn't make good business sense! so enter at your peril.  Sometimes false promises are made to boost likes & followers with unscrupulous folk having no intention of giving away the said prize.  Canny compers don't let these go by the wayside and will often stage a mutiny until the promoter changes its ways (!) however if you notice a comp that never announces a winner, or something is amiss, be aware of the following agencies out there to help you.  Likewise if you win a competition and wait endlessly for the postman to deliver it, but to no avail, let the people below know!

ASA: Advertising Standards Authority -
IPM: Institute of Promotional Marketing - CAP: Committee of Advertising Practice -

You shouldn't have to pay to enter a competition.  The purchase of goods may be required if you need a code, but that is all.  Never, ever give your bank details out to promoters.  It's wrong.  Make a complaint via the Advertising Standards Agency's online form for it to be investigated -

Remember - you have the best chance of winning a competition when there are the least number of entrants.  Sometimes it can be worth a punt to enter a competition with lots of entrants if the prize is worth it, but always be on the lookout for comps that haven't reached a wider audience.  I find that regional newspapers and small independent company websites/social media accounts are often overlooked.  Be vigilant!  If you know companies in your area, why not look them up on twitter, you may be onto a winner!

It started with a twix..

or the adrenaline rush of winning another confectionery bar, who'd have thought it would come to this!

Approximately 5 years ago I was really quite ill, in the midst of a chronic illness flare up - in my case, Crohns Disease, I was stranded indoors for much of the time.  I spent a lot of time on forums, speaking to fellow interweb randomers, about nothing inparticular.  One day on my most favouritest forum,, one poster detailed her recent winnings from entering competitions online.  This tweaked my interest.  Money was tight, I had a lot of free time on my hands and the thought of doing something from the comfort of my sofa that could help make life a bit easier and more pleasurable was hugely appealing.  Immediately after reading, I signed up to a competition forum and attempted entering as many competitions as I could.

At first the world of comping seemed pretty daunting, time consuming and with very little reward for my hard work.  The wins weren't forthcoming and I pondered whether it was worth the time spent doing it.  THIS IS WHERE MOST PEOPLE STOP!  The monotony and time it takes to comp can put so many people off, naturally, but something within me, the determined little madam that I am  thought well I have nothing else to do but pop pills and run to the loo multiple times a day so I might aswell continue, and I am so glad I did!  Eventually the wins started appearing, from yoga mats to laptop computers to a years supply of tea and I learned some invaluable comping tips that have held my in good stead thus far!

I've started this blog to track my wins, divulge my secrets and hopefully connect with other compers out there in the blogosphere.  

Thank you for looking and bookmark me for future reference - I could help you win BIG!